Jul 24, 2024

10 Questions with Dr. Dhiren Patel


Dr. Dhiren B Patel attended New York’s Columbia University where he completed an Internal Medicine residency and Gastroenterology fellowship at Harlem Hospital. While at Columbia, he served as Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine. He is board certified in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology. Dr. Patel offers the best and most professional care when treating his patients and he strives to educate them about their care and treatment. He offers many different procedures to his patients, including upper endoscopies, colonoscopies and capsule endoscopies.


  1. If you had to describe yourself in three words, which would you choose?

I would describe myself as being hardworking, trustworthy, and compassionate.


  1. Can you share why you decided to become a doctor? 

Growing up, I always looked up to my older brother. Seeing him put in countless hours of studying and sleepless nights through medical school and residency to accomplish his dream of becoming a physician made me admire him that much more. I desired that same ambition. Medicine always fascinated me; I wanted a career that challenged me and also made an impactful difference. And that is why I chose to go into medicine. I am proud of where I am today. I am able to work with a great team and do what I enjoy.


  1. Can you explain a part of your journey to become a doctor or clinical research that impacted you?

I will never forget what my attending physician told me on my first day as a resident. He said to stay true to my values. Physicians are oftentimes faced with moral dilemmas. Unfortunately, it comes with the job. Sometimes there is overwhelming power and influence that pressures providers to decide between profit and what they think is right. No matter how difficult it may be, it is important to stand up against the status quo and advocate for our patients. 


  1. Why did you become involved in clinical research?

Clinical research plays a crucial role in developing new medicines and practices that can ultimately save people’s lives or improve their quality of life. I became involved in clinical research because it gives me the opportunity to make a real difference in the world, and it also gives me the opportunity to learn and grow as a provider.


  1. What is the biggest challenge we face today in the clinical research industry as it pertains to healthcare?

Clinical research is a very complex and highly regulated industry that faces numerous challenges, from funding to ethical considerations. One of the biggest challenges today is patient recruitment. Finding an adequate number of eligible participants who also represent diversity is important to achieve statistical significance. 


  1. In your experience, what has been the most crucial factor that has changed drug development or healthcare?

In my experience, advancements in technology have been the leading factor that has changed both drug development and healthcare as a whole. New technologies drive innovation and have several benefits for the transformation of healthcare. Technology improves efficiency, patient safety, and communication, just to name a few. 


  1. How has clinical research affected your life personally?

After caring for patients who are in clinical trials and seeing firsthand the benefits they gain, I am more likely to recommend participating in clinical trials to my family and friends if they meet the criteria.


  1. What is the biggest misconception people have about clinical trials?

I believe the biggest misconception people have about participating in clinical trials is that it won’t help them or benefit them in any way. Clinical trials allow some participants to get early access to prospective procedures, treatments, and cures. Participants may also get extra tests, laboratory work, and clinical visits that may not have been a part of their regular medical plan. Most importantly, participants benefit from playing a more active role in their own care and gaining access to better information about other resources such as support groups. 


  1. What advice would you give to the next generation of researchers?

The advice I would give to the next generation is to follow your passion, stay determined, and never deviate from the truth.


  1. If you were to write an autobiography, what would the title be?

"From Dreams to Reality: My Life Unfolded"

