May 2, 2023

Circuit Connections—Meet Lisa

Here at Circuit Clinical, our team has experience across a broad span of multiple therapeutic areas. We believe in sharing this knowledge, experience, and their stories—they are incredibly important and valued as part of our company and culture.

Today, we're interviewing Lisa Crespi, LPN, CCRC, Senior Site Director–Hudson District, as part of our ongoing campaign: Circuit Connections.




1. When did you begin working in clinical research and expand to where you're today?  

Research is my second career! I used to work in the garment district in New York City, and I decided to go to school for nursing after I had children. I knew I wanted to be in healthcare and help people, but I wasn’t exactly sure how and what was unclear. Nursing seemed like a logical path, and I can gratefully say that it led me to research. I got my LPN in 2007.

I began working in research in 2009. I was working for a urology practice in the nursing department and was very interested in working in research. There was an opening in the department, and I applied and started working as a Clinical Research Coordinator. Then in 2015, I was promoted to Lead Clinical Research Coordinator, and this was my role until 2021.

While in urology research, I worked mainly on prostate cancer trials. As part of that focus, I worked on every second-generation antiandrogen clinical trial for all the oral agents currently on the market today. Antiandrogen medications are a type of prostate cancer treatment. They work by blocking the effects of androgen hormones in the body; blocking androgen hormones can help prevent prostate cancer cells from growing.

In 2021, I had a short transition to the CRO world. I truly enjoyed the time I spent working in study start-up at the CRO, but I learned that I wanted to make a more direct and significant impact in my clinical research work. So, in April 2022, I transitioned back to working at the site level and took a position as Lead CRC in the Hudson, New York District with Circuit Clinical. After this, I became the Regional Research Manager-Hudson overseeing clinical research operations for Crystal Run Healthcare and Middletown Medical. I am now the Senior Site Director, overseeing both the Hudson and Western New York Districts and I feel blessed to continue to have the opportunity to work in clinical research. Clinical research trials should be a treatment option for everyone. Circuit has brought research opportunities to Hudson Valley, NY. Patients will no longer have to drive an hour or more to participate in a clinical research study. We are right here and right now, in their community.


2. What made you want to work in clinical research (and/or healthcare)?

I wanted to work in healthcare and clinical research because I love helping people. It is that simple. I wanted to be a part of something important and meaningful.


3. What is an example of a story/article that inspires you about doing clinical research?

The many prostate cancer patients I have enjoyed working with through the years have inspired me. I knew their stories, their families, the things they liked (TV shows, movies, books, travel destinations, etc..), the things they did not like so much, and their battles with a terrible disease. I continue to want to work in research in honor of them.

Two patients had an impact that has stayed with me. They both had metastatic prostate cancer with rising PSAs and were enrolled in two different trials. When I called the first patient to tell him that his PSA levels had dropped, he started to cry, and I felt the same joy and relief. I watched and helped as they both experienced a significant drop in PSA and no more progression on their scans. The one gentleman had pain before he went on the study, and his pain has decreased significantly. To see some of these people for six to seven years having low PSAs year after year is such a great feeling to know that our work is making an impact on people and changing their lives for the better.

Recently I noticed a story published about the antiandrogens I worked on, and it was for patients on active surveillance. This article readily reminded me of my work, and I’m thrilled that the drug may be used as a treatment option for patients on active surveillance.

To read more about this research, click here: